Being a union member increases your job security and protects you from unfair treatment in the workplace.

This is the core benefit of being in the Union, but the ASU has also negotiated many additional benefits for members ranging from commercial offers to financial and legal advice. The ASU Branches across Australia also have membership benefits that they have negotiated for their members locally.

Contact your branch to learn more

Did you know that you can save more money than the cost of your yearly membership through just one program within the ASU? Here’s how:

Discounted shopping - 4% per shop
Whitegood purchase - 10% discount $100
Discounted travel - 5% $50
Discounted bedding and furniture - 10% $100
Discounted clothes and apparel - 7.5% $75
Discounted pharmacy - 10% $80
Total average annual saving $812


There are many more benefits to being an ASU member, such as full and free access to ASU Career Launchpad; a career development platform with over a hundred professional development courses. Member discount services also include exclusive access to better deals on your health insurance and other insurance benefits. Each branch of the ASU offers benefits specifically for the ASU members of that particular branch. Contact your branch here to learn more about what member benefits are available to you.

Your union membership is also 100% tax deductible. 


Join now

"As a young person, the extra member benefits that we have access to have really helped me make some awesome savings.” 
~ASU member 


We Won’t Wait

The ASU has been a leader in making workplaces better for those who experience violence in the home. 3/05/2022