Call centres

Representing our members in call centres.

The Australian Services Union has significant membership in call centres across Australia. We represent members in both in-house call centres in the public and private sectors and contract call centres – that is call centres who are contracted by other organisations to perform call centre work. 

The in-house call centres are in industries like airlines, taxation, electricity, water, TABs, charities, lotteries, taxis, local government, and many more.  

A better workplace.

We’ve undertaken multiple national surveys to hear the voice of call centre workers and shape our advocacy so Australian call centres become happier, healthier and safer workplaces. The ASU has championed many important achievements that have made call centres better places to work. 

We remain concerned that significant unfair employment practices still exist and turnover rates continue to be high. Remember that we’re by your side and are ready to help our members 24/7. We also want to find out about the good things that are happening in our call centres.

Worth more at work.

Workers are pushing for a meaningful pay rise to keep up with the cost of living. Petrol, bills, rent are all going up and our wages need to keep up too. 

The Australian Services Union brought a case to the Fair Work Commission to increase wages for minimum wage and Award classified workers. From 1 July 2023 your wages are going up by 5.75%: 
  • Modern awards are set to increase by 5.75%% as of 1 July 2022.
  • Workers on the Contract Call Centre Award will see pay increases of between $49.70 - $68.40 per week.
  • If you are employed on an enterprise bargaining agreement, you won’t receive a pay increase unless your base rate of pay falls below the minimum award rate for your classification. This is your rate of pay without separate amounts like shift rates or overtime.

Our work continues – we need to ensure that employers pass on this wage increase to their workers on 1 July. If you have any questions or don’t believe you’re being paid correctly contact us today.      

You can view our wages table online here: Contract Call Centre Wage Increase 2023

I was proud to support our case to the Fair Work that led to a 5.75% pay rise for Award covered workers!"
Raj, ASU member

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