Community and disability workers deserve a pay rise

As the union for community and disability service workers, the Australian Services Union 'ASU', is calling for you to have a 5% pay rise in 2022.

You deserve a pay rise

Sign the petition. 

The Australian Services Union is calling for a wage increase for workers in the community and disability sector in the National Wage Case in the Fair Work Commission. We are also campaigning for Government’s to support our call and fund the wage increase. 

Cost of living is skyrocketing and our pay needs to keep up.

Frontline workers in the community and disability sector have carried Australian through the pandemic, and supported communities in responding to fires, floods and drought. We have been in higher demand and under more pressure than ever supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our community. 

We deserve a decent pay rise to value the work we do.  

Be part of it. 

Only by joining together through the Australian Services Union can we win the wage increases we need and deserve. Sign the petition here to have your say. 

Join the ASU today. We are stronger together. 


"I'm an ASU member because they've always got my back."
ASU member