TasNetworks Stop Work Rally

23 September 2024

Join us for Tassie wages!

You are encouraged to undertake action 14 of the ASU protected action ballot consecutively TODAY, 23 September. This is a stop-work action of 15-minute rolling stoppages which can be taken consecutively. You can stop work for the whole day or just part of the day to attend our Rally at noon on Parliament lawns.

Stop Work Action is a withdrawal of your labour in pursuit of applying pressure for a better deal.

Your employer can deduct your pay if this occurs during work time and not on a break.

This is short-term pain in aim of long-term gain to improved wages and conditions.

The cost of living in Tasmania has increased significantly over the past decade.

The ASU is working with members to address this issue at each negotiation. TasNetworks hasn’t listened; instead putting an offer to vote (without bargaining parties’ agreement). We urge you to VOTE NO!

Each Tasmanian employer is using “the Tasmanian market” to argue against changes. Any success we achieve creates more pressure for employers as we bring up the whole market.

To this end, we are holding a rally on Monday 23 September at noon on Parliament House lawns: www.facebook.com/events/880114157512039

This rally is in support of your EA claims, fair wages and conditions. The broader message is Tasmanian employers need to be aware that staff will no longer accept lower wages for the same work just because they live in Tasmania.

At the time of your normal shift send your supervisor a text saying: “I won’t be in today as I’m taking protected action under action 14 of the ASU protected action ballot consecutively for the whole day”. If you wish to only stop work to attend the rally, you can advise as such. Alternatively, you can use your lunch break to attend.

Only ASU members can take part in protected industrial action. Encourage your co-worker to join the ASU today at https://www.asuvictas.com.au/VICTAS/Join

For further information please contact:
ASU Organiser Karen Tantari | 0472 512 484 | [email protected]